Trump Says Biden Revealed Who He Blamed For Democrats' 2024 Election Loss


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President Donald Trump claims that former President Joe Biden blamed former President Barack Obama and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but not former Vice President Kamala Harris, for the Democrats' loss in the 2024 election.

Trump discussed his meeting at the White House with an "angry" Biden shortly after his 2024 presidential election victory against Harris in an exclusive interview with the Spectator World published on Friday (February 28).

“I asked him, I said, ‘So who do you blame?’ Because he was very angry, you know, he was a very angry guy, actually. And he said, ‘I blame Barack,’” Trump said. “And he said, ‘And I also blame [former House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi.’ I said, ‘What about the vice president?’ He said, ‘No, I don’t blame her,’ which was interesting.”

“He didn’t blame [Harris]. He blamed … he told me he blamed those two people,” he added.

In July, the Washington Post reported that Obama pressured Biden, his two-term vice president, to reconsider his 2024 presidential campaign prior to the then-president eventually complying days later. Obama and Biden reportedly spoke after the latter's disastrous first debate performance on June 27, but stressed that his former running mate's chances of defeating Trump were "greatly diminished," according to sources with knowledge of the situation.

Additionally, Obama was reported to be fielding calls with Democrats on Capitol Hill, including Pelosi, regarding Biden's campaign status. Both Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, regarded as two of the most influential senior Democrats in Congress, were reported to have advised Biden of a potential landslide loss.

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