Woman Receives $700 E.R. Bill After 7 Hour Wait And No Treatment

You always hear horror stories about getting crazy hospital bills but this one definitely wins the award. A woman in Georgia recently received a $700 bill for a trip to an ER room. At first, glance that isn't too strange but the kicker is... she never even received treatment.

Taylor Davis told news outlets she went to the Emory Decatur Hospital emergency room in July after she had suffered a head injury. Taylor was checked into the ER but after that, she was left alone to wait. She waited for 7 hours for someone to assist her. Eventually, she got tired of waiting and decided to leave. Weeks later she received a crazy expensive bill in the mail. When she called to see if it was a mistake the hospital told her that it was not a mistake and that she was actually being charged a facility fee.

Emory Healthcare issued a statement that it was "looking into this matter and will follow up directly with the individual.”

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